Paleo is a songwriter I heard of through my friend Sara, who I have no doubt in my mind is his biggest fan. When I first heard him, I wasn't sure about him. I'm not really positive what it was that bothered me at the time, but now I can't seem to understand what's not to like about the guy.
His real name is David Strackany and he's spent most of his life doing what most people dream of: writing songs, playing small gigs while passing through towns and living on the road. The man compiled a Song Diary in which he wrote one song every day for a year while on the road, and every song was good. You can download all of those songs for free on his website, and I would suggest you do, they're pretty cool.
Not to mention he's just an all around cool, modest, down to earth dude. He only plays house shows or small coffee shops because he enjoys a small audience. Plus, if you join his mailing list he'll send you adorable emails about nothing in particular, and if he remembers you from a show, he'll gladly be your penpal.
If anyone is in the Boulder area in April this year, he'll be playing a house show (thanks to Sara). So come if you enjoy this album.
Highlights: What is Love?, When Pirates Come to Port, Occam's Razor.
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