Wednesday, November 17, 2010

The March Fourth Marching Band

I saw the March Fourth Marching Band a couple days ago, had no idea what to expect, and it was absolutely amazing. I don't think I have danced that furiously since George Clinton and the P-Funk Allstars. I don't know yet how to describe this band, I really can't even comprehend, it's a huge circus-like, funky, groovy, crazy marching band. If you ever made fun of the band geeks, they are back with serious revenge.

At least 4 people were on stilts the entire show, in the crowd, doing dangerous acts and roaming around being crazy and jumping over crowd members. Their were sexy dancers doing acts, one girl doing a crazy hoola-hoop dance act for what must have been 20 minutes without even dropping the hoola-hoop or stopping it once. As well as a bunch of other really silly circus-like acts. They have fire spinners sometimes, and even the flag-twirlers are badass--unlike high school (no offense).

Unfortunately, I don't have their music to give to you, but check out their MYSPACE page as well as youtube for all their really awesome videos. If you are ever in the area where they are playing--especially Portland, Oregon (as that's where they are from), it is a must-see show, for sure. I left that show feeling so high and happy, and I was laughing and dancing the whole time! AS were the musicians! One of the drummers had his mouth open and was screaming and laughing the entire show, I don't know how he did it without his jaw falling off. SO MUCH ENERGY, AHHHHH!!!!! LOVE!

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