Wednesday, September 01, 2010

Don't let the hair scare you, babies.

Well you all know how much I love the Brian Jonestown Massacre. I watched the documentary for the 2nd time last night and I forgot how fucking hilarious it is. Well, and also fucked up (Thanks Anton 'Jesus'), but still hilarious. This is one of the deleted scenes that's not on the 2nd disc or in the first special features.

Hope you think it's as funny as me, but I have a huuuge crush on Joel (because he's the silliest of sillies and has the coolest sunglasses collection around) so I might be biased.

Oh, and if you haven't yet seen the documentary (Dig!) please please please watch it. It may make you hate the Dandy Warhols, though. Fair warning.


  1. It doesn't make you HATE the Dandy Warhols, it just proves they're little bitches.

  2. Hey man, I'm not talking about their music, I'm also saying it makes you hate them as people. Because they're little bitches.
