Thursday, March 25, 2010

Wildering 7", Kría Brekkan

Finally listened to her solo debut abum, and I can safely say her music has taken over my entire day. It is absolutely beautiful. Kría Brekkan was formerly the voice of múm (also awesome), and let me tell you.... if Sirens truly existed, Kría Brekkan is one herself. (I'm on to you, Kría!)

It sounds kind of like she utilized the same recording techniques used in 1860 only..... underwater.

The words "haunting," "beautiful," "bizarre," and "otherwordly" are an understatement for these magical lullabies of hers.

It is understandable if it's too weird or creepy for you, but give it a shot at least. It's an intense experience if you are alone. The album only has 3 songs, so you may as well download it no matter what. Actually, if anything, PLEASE please download it, just so you can listen to the song "Gömul Vísa Um Vorið." It is so beautiful... and the entire reason I became so intrigued by her. It still gives me the chills just thinking about it.

Couldn't find that particular song of hers on youtube to show, so here's another one (not on this album, done with her husband Avey Tare) that I also find ridiculously lovely. Give it a shot guys, give it 40 seconds and you'll be in love.

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